People are quick to tell someone else what they're doing, or what they're not doing. How often do people evaluate themselves, and try to find room for improvement? I'm also guilty of this. I feel as if i'm an upstanding citizen, but sometimes it's not enough. I haven't done community service since I was in high school, and even then our school had a mandatory 40 hours of community service to graduate rule, so it's not like I did it out of the kindness of my heart. It's time I evaluate myself, and my grade is a "D". I didn't give myself a "F" because I'm a good citizen. I don't start trouble, I donate to the homeless, and I help others when I can. Even though my grade isn't a "F", I still have tons of room for improvement.
Things i used to say: I want to walk/run a marathon for Breast Cancer Awareness. (Even though I've shown my support for the cause by buying everything from (BCA) t-shirts, tote bags, and an umbrella, it doesn't take away from the fact that I haven't walked the marathon. I wanted to talk to inner-city kids about how important the decisions they make now can impact their future. But of course this never became a reality. I visited my old elementary school last year when I just moved back to Chicago from Las Vegas, and had a talk with the principal, who said she needed me to speak to the students because they were just out of hand. At the time I was just concerned with finding employment that I put it on the back burner. Now I regret it. Especially seeing children around the city, and how they talk and act, and how little respect they have for adults and authority. My words of wisdom can't save the world, but it could of done something.
I will work harder at being a better me, a more helpful, caring, sharing, motivating individual who's not self-centered and doesn't just care about things that affect me. What I'm trying to say is that I don't want to be 90 years old and realize that I didn't give anything to the world. Just a user of the world's resources.
Party, Party, Party
Hanging out with friends at RedNo5
Yours Truly
Kicking it w/friends
Danielle and I @ the Between Lounge
Kicking it w/friends
Tameka and I @ the Between Lounge
P1 Takes the Crown
Winner of "Talent Everywhere We Go" 5/3/10
Putting on a Show
Members of Crucial Conflict perform 5/3/10
Blog Roll
- baby (2)
- Chicago Events (4)
- dining (1)
- drunk driving (1)
- making a change (2)
- movies (2)
- MTV (1)
- music (2)
- personal stories (3)
- Places I want to go. (1)
- tv shows (4)
- weird sightings (2)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
My photo's from the Taste of Chicago
I know I'm late, but I've just been feeling a little lazy.
My friends Tameka, Danielle and I hit up the Taste of Chicago last week to check out Rob Base, Slick Rick, Salt-N-Pepa, Doug E. Fresh and Bev Biv Dovoe, and it was not a disappointment. The crowd was insane, people were acting stupid, but overall I had a great time.
My friends Tameka, Danielle and I hit up the Taste of Chicago last week to check out Rob Base, Slick Rick, Salt-N-Pepa, Doug E. Fresh and Bev Biv Dovoe, and it was not a disappointment. The crowd was insane, people were acting stupid, but overall I had a great time.
Places I want to go
Kicking off the new "places I want to go" segment with restaurants I want to go to.
The Terrance at the Trump. Beautiful isn't it? The view is amazing.
The Park Cafe. I'm always downtown, and I always pass this place, but never had the time to check it out. Hopefully soon.
Photo's from
The Terrance at the Trump. Beautiful isn't it? The view is amazing.
The Park Cafe. I'm always downtown, and I always pass this place, but never had the time to check it out. Hopefully soon.
Photo's from
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Elin reportally gets $750mil of Tigers reported $900mil net worth? #wheretheydothatat
Image from: Google Images.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Better Late Than Never
I had a pretty decent weekend, filled with ups and downs, but here are the highlights.
Saturday morning my friend and I visited Michael Jacksons childhood home in Gary Indiana. Before I say anything else, I need to mention Gary Indiana. OMG!!! That picture above is exactly what it felt leaving Chicago and going to Gary. It was the turning point. I thought the south side of Chicago looked bad, but oh noooo, I was wrong. We drove up and down the streets of Gary and literally 80% of the homes on any given block were abandon, had broken windows, bullet holes through the doors and windows, etc. Plus everyone sat on their porches or on the sidewalk, and as we drove down the street they would all just stare into the car, like they weren't used to people being in the area. The whole thing was just creepy. But anyway, we finally made it to 2300 Jackson St. just to see a crew working on the old Jackson family home. We took pictures, walked around, visited the school (behind the house). When we returned to the house, and more tourist were present, talking and taking pictures. Then someone said "Who do you think gave out more beatings....Joe Jackson or Ike Turner?. I laughed, but one of my good friends and MJ's #1 fan didn't think it was funny.. (which weirdly made it more funny to us) . We were notified by the crew working on the house that on June 25th (death anniversary) there will be a B.B.Q on the property, the statue will be revealed, and it will be a day full of activities on Jackson St. I'll be Then I noticed that the light post in front of the home was covered in signatures. Since the home is now fenced, I was mad that I couldn't go in and sign it, until I noticed people signed the "One Way" sign in front of the street. YAY! So what did I do? I found a Empty spot (well two actually) and signed away! (sidenote: I was kinda ghetto and signed using my twitter name, lol) pictures below.
Later that night the girsl and I celebrated one of my friend b-day at the Between Lounge. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. The b-day girl's ride didn't show, so we had to drive across town to get her (I was already #wasted so I was still in a good mood). So once all 5 of us were crammed in the car we hit the express way and the car died. So we had to drive back across town, pick up a spare, hit the gas station (get some air) and then headed to the party. Was it worth it? Sure was... I had a blast.
I woke up around 11:30 the next morning and rushed down to Navy Pier for the Health Expo. I had a lot of fun. I got to see Bob (trainer from the biggest loser), Michael (winner of the biggest loser) and his mom. I also participated in trainer Andrea Metcalf's mini exercise session (pictures below). We walked around, talked with a lot of people (it was so much going on). I got to do the (fake) weather for NBC News (which I sucked at). There was also Rock climbing, chef's cooking, exercise stations, product tastings, bikers, cars, and so much more. So much positive energy in the room, it felt good just being there. We even took one of those fake coaster rides (pictured below). I have no idea what it's called, but showed the beginning and ending of a heart attack. I had a good time, but after three hours later I was exhausted.
Saturday morning my friend and I visited Michael Jacksons childhood home in Gary Indiana. Before I say anything else, I need to mention Gary Indiana. OMG!!! That picture above is exactly what it felt leaving Chicago and going to Gary. It was the turning point. I thought the south side of Chicago looked bad, but oh noooo, I was wrong. We drove up and down the streets of Gary and literally 80% of the homes on any given block were abandon, had broken windows, bullet holes through the doors and windows, etc. Plus everyone sat on their porches or on the sidewalk, and as we drove down the street they would all just stare into the car, like they weren't used to people being in the area. The whole thing was just creepy. But anyway, we finally made it to 2300 Jackson St. just to see a crew working on the old Jackson family home. We took pictures, walked around, visited the school (behind the house). When we returned to the house, and more tourist were present, talking and taking pictures. Then someone said "Who do you think gave out more beatings....Joe Jackson or Ike Turner?. I laughed, but one of my good friends and MJ's #1 fan didn't think it was funny.. (which weirdly made it more funny to us) . We were notified by the crew working on the house that on June 25th (death anniversary) there will be a B.B.Q on the property, the statue will be revealed, and it will be a day full of activities on Jackson St. I'll be Then I noticed that the light post in front of the home was covered in signatures. Since the home is now fenced, I was mad that I couldn't go in and sign it, until I noticed people signed the "One Way" sign in front of the street. YAY! So what did I do? I found a Empty spot (well two actually) and signed away! (sidenote: I was kinda ghetto and signed using my twitter name, lol) pictures below.
Later that night the girsl and I celebrated one of my friend b-day at the Between Lounge. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. The b-day girl's ride didn't show, so we had to drive across town to get her (I was already #wasted so I was still in a good mood). So once all 5 of us were crammed in the car we hit the express way and the car died. So we had to drive back across town, pick up a spare, hit the gas station (get some air) and then headed to the party. Was it worth it? Sure was... I had a blast.
I woke up around 11:30 the next morning and rushed down to Navy Pier for the Health Expo. I had a lot of fun. I got to see Bob (trainer from the biggest loser), Michael (winner of the biggest loser) and his mom. I also participated in trainer Andrea Metcalf's mini exercise session (pictures below). We walked around, talked with a lot of people (it was so much going on). I got to do the (fake) weather for NBC News (which I sucked at). There was also Rock climbing, chef's cooking, exercise stations, product tastings, bikers, cars, and so much more. So much positive energy in the room, it felt good just being there. We even took one of those fake coaster rides (pictured below). I have no idea what it's called, but showed the beginning and ending of a heart attack. I had a good time, but after three hours later I was exhausted.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Memorial Day Weekend
.Mine kicked off Thursday with a friendly bowling match at Dolton Bowl. We arrived around 10 p.m and the place was EMPTY. No more than 6 lanes were in use, and I was in complete shock, until I was told that it was a shooting up there the week before. Now who wants to bet me that by next week the bowling alley will be packed again?. Too bad I didn't take any pictures, but I did kick some But I still had fun. On Friday I was supposed to see Sex and the City 2, and hit the streets later that night. Well... Friday came and left and I didn't get to do either.
So Saturday I made the matinée screening of Sex and the City 2. It received very bad reviews, but I loved the TV show, like the first movie, and I liked the second one as well. I guess people expected the movie to be full of drama, drama and more drama. The movie had some really good moments, and the 2.5 hours zipped by, which means I enjoyed myself lol.
Within the first 15-20 minutes of the film Liza performed Beyonce's "Single Ladies". A lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was cute (and Samantha's little dance rendition was cute too). Did anybody get the slight Beyonce diss after the song ended?. Charlotte stated that she didn't like weddings because she didn't want to hear (or dance... I can't remember the quote exactly) that song. Does anybody remember that Beyonce actually was casted in Jennifer Hudson's role in the first Sex and the City film?, but she got boot because she had to many demands (she wanted all her clothes to be Dereon, etc)? #justwondering. The pictures below are ridiculous pictures of me at my grandmothers house after I left the movies...Gotta luv gramz.. She has the best view EVER. (best seen at night though)
Sunday I went to a BBQ on my old block... hung out with some old friends, enjoyed some food and conversation. Overall, it was a pretty decent weekend.
Sidenote: On Monday I decided to stay in the house (because of the heavy rain) and make it a movie day. I decided to watch "My Sister's Keeper" and I thought it was a really good movie. I remembered when the movie first came out that people were outraged at the ending (completely different from the book). So I read the original ending online and it was SOOO sad. I think if I would of read the book, I would of cried, but I wouldn't be mad that the ending was changed. The book that's some good writing.
Sex and the City poster from
Liza pic from
So Saturday I made the matinée screening of Sex and the City 2. It received very bad reviews, but I loved the TV show, like the first movie, and I liked the second one as well. I guess people expected the movie to be full of drama, drama and more drama. The movie had some really good moments, and the 2.5 hours zipped by, which means I enjoyed myself lol.
Within the first 15-20 minutes of the film Liza performed Beyonce's "Single Ladies". A lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was cute (and Samantha's little dance rendition was cute too). Did anybody get the slight Beyonce diss after the song ended?. Charlotte stated that she didn't like weddings because she didn't want to hear (or dance... I can't remember the quote exactly) that song. Does anybody remember that Beyonce actually was casted in Jennifer Hudson's role in the first Sex and the City film?, but she got boot because she had to many demands (she wanted all her clothes to be Dereon, etc)? #justwondering. The pictures below are ridiculous pictures of me at my grandmothers house after I left the movies...Gotta luv gramz.. She has the best view EVER. (best seen at night though)
Sunday I went to a BBQ on my old block... hung out with some old friends, enjoyed some food and conversation. Overall, it was a pretty decent weekend.
Sidenote: On Monday I decided to stay in the house (because of the heavy rain) and make it a movie day. I decided to watch "My Sister's Keeper" and I thought it was a really good movie. I remembered when the movie first came out that people were outraged at the ending (completely different from the book). So I read the original ending online and it was SOOO sad. I think if I would of read the book, I would of cried, but I wouldn't be mad that the ending was changed. The book that's some good writing.
Sex and the City poster from
Liza pic from
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Chicagoans Rule American Idol & Biggest Loser Finales
Mike takes home the Biggest Loser crown. My jaws literally dropped when Mike came on stage. He had a long journey and a hard one at that. Plus he's a Chicago that's a plus.I wanted him to win over Ashley and Daris, but not over Koli. Sadly Koli wasn't voted into the top 3, but Koli (pictured below) did take home to $100,000 "at home" prize. Sidenote: Was anyone feeling Koli's Kayne West inspired outfit?
One of my good friends and I decided to walk/run the trails downtown last night (to get away from the boredom of the gym that I've been experiencing lately), so I had to DVR Idol last night. When I returned home I fast forward through all the performances (which I'll go back and watch today) to see who won. I was so glad to hear Lee's name called. It was a well deserved win (I honestly feel Crystal's antics and bad attitude ruined her chances), but anyway!!!! GO LEE. When he performed his final song you could see the excitement in his eyes...Congrats!!!!
Chicagoans run this........"Obama Included" LOL
Updated to say: Biggest Loser trainer: BOB will be in Chicago at Navy Pier June 6th, 2010 @ noon. See you there.
Updated to say: Biggest Loser trainer: BOB will be in Chicago at Navy Pier June 6th, 2010 @ noon. See you there.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Chicago News
Coach sues Chicago. Knock-offs have been around for years, you can find a knock off of any designer and in any city. So why did Coach decide to sue Chicago? They state that Chicago is supporting the sell of counterfeit purses (@ the maxwell market) because they allow the vendors to sell them. What's outrageous is that Coach is demanding $2 million dollars for every fake purse purchased. Really Coach?....REALLY?? Your purses are only worth $200-300 bucks and you want two million for every FAKE purse sold? that's reaching. And the icing on the cake is that they want the city of Chicago to collect and pass over the money (from the vendors they sue) I guess they don't know how things work in Chicago. Money might be collected (no way near $2 million) but there's no way they are passing it over (well at least all of what they collect). I have a good feeling that certain people (you know are putting in their requests for vacation as we speak.
Image from
Story from fox news
Obama believes LeBron belongs in chicago ==[NBC]==
Supreme Courts rules for Chicago's black fire fighters ==[breakingchicagonews]==
Funeral arrangements set for slain police officer ==[chicagobreakingnews]==
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Biggest Loser: Save Koli
For those who personally know me, you know that I just started working out, and trying to get healthy. It's partly due to the Biggest Loser team Sam & Koli. Two cousins who played the game fairly, respected their peers and motivated the other contestants. Sam is already eliminated (because of the contestant below) but Koli and Darius are up for elimination, and we need to help save Koli.
To hear Koli's plea click here
To Vote for Koli click here or call 1 (866) 492-6802

This is Darius, the contest Koli is competing against. During the season he was mostly in the background, didn't talk much. As the season continued, he showed his true character when he teamed up with Mike and Ashley to have Sam sent home (because Sam lost more weight than anyone else). The contestants went home for 30 days and then had to weigh in. Koli lost 13 pounds, while Darius gained 2 pounds. He doesn't want this bad enough. Then both contestants had to plea to viewers on why they should make it to the season finale next week While Koli's plea was heart felt (but with no tears), Darius decided to take another approach. He faked cried....SMH!. No tears, but he kept wiping his eyes.. (hilarious). It was so fake that he started wiping his eyelids instead of under his eyes....I just laughed, it was so PATHETIC
To watch his awful plea click here
Info and pictures from
So who are you voting for?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Common on the Wendy Williams Show
Common stopped by the Wendy Williams Show today to promote "Just Wright" (which I saw, and loved). While on the couch he talked about being a ball boy for the Bulls, Serena Williams, and the Common Ground Foundation. The foundation's goal is to help and empower Chicago's youth (especially since we have an increased amount of violence occurring in our city). Before today, I haven't heard of the foundation, so I decided to check it out. The website is nice, and they're trying to help, but the website seemed outdated. With the internet being a quick source of news, and events for a lot of people, something this important should be updated on the regular. But don't get me wrong, I do applaud Common for taking a stand and helping our youth. We have to stand up and make a change, because if we do nothing, it makes it seem as if there isn't a problem. STAND UP CHICAGO!
SIDENOTE: Do you think Chicago artists do enough to help their community?
Learn more about the "Common Ground Foundation" click here and check out a clip from the Wendy Williams Show below.
SIDENOTE: Do you think Chicago artists do enough to help their community?
Learn more about the "Common Ground Foundation" click here and check out a clip from the Wendy Williams Show below.
Chicago Nightlife (Help Me Pick A Spot)
My birthday is approaching (Aug. 9th), and since it falls on a Monday I'm considering celebrating that weekend. Last year I decided to go to Redno5 which was cool, but I want to do something different this year, and I need your help. So if you can, please give me your top 3 bars/nightclubs that you think are the best (or that gives b-day girls a free and your top 3 restaurants in the city. Thanks in advance.
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Good Negro
Playing at the Goodman Theater until June 6th. It's a play about the struggles of African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement, including FBI wire taps, and threats by the Klan.
For more information, showtimes and prices click here
A "The Good Negro" review click here
Image from:
If you happen to see this play, you can e-mail me your review.
Chicago Events: Festivals
We are approaching what a lot of us call "Summertime Chi", which means good weather and free festivals.
Last year I attended the Gospel Festival, and a few other events happening in the Chicago area. Fantasia and Kirk Franklin were among the performers, and even though Kirk Franklin's performance got rained out, we still partied and were stepping in the rain (good times). The dates for upcoming festivals are listed below.
Gospel Fest 6/5-6/6 @ Millennium Park. For list of performers click here
Blues Fest 6/11-6/13 @ Grant Park. For list of performers click here
Last year I attended the Gospel Festival, and a few other events happening in the Chicago area. Fantasia and Kirk Franklin were among the performers, and even though Kirk Franklin's performance got rained out, we still partied and were stepping in the rain (good times). The dates for upcoming festivals are listed below.
Gospel Fest 6/5-6/6 @ Millennium Park. For list of performers click here
Blues Fest 6/11-6/13 @ Grant Park. For list of performers click here
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday Night Pheature 5/15/10
For more information you can go to,, or contact P1 on Twitter
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