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Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Longest Weekend Ever..........

When i woke up this morning, I could of sworn it was Monday.  Then I realized that I did waste an hour and a half last night watching the unfunny Gabourey Sidibe on Saturday Night Live. While i'm on the SNL topic, did anyone watch it last night? I'm sorry, but I couldn't watch the movie Precious, I had no desire to watch it.  I just don't like her acting.  I thought she sucked on SNL, she wasn't funny, stumbled a few times with her lines, and I personally don't think she brought anything special to the table.  The funniest part was the "Cherry Battle" with Andy Sandberg. Anyway, this is how my weekend went.....

Friday, I got a lot of errands done.  Went to the store, laundromat, beauty supply store etc.  I also found time to go see Jennifer Lopez's  new move "The Back Up Plan", which i enjoyed.  I get a kick out of J.Lo movies, she should stick with romantic comedies. The question was raised "Why doesn't her race ever come up in her movies"? To be honest, I haven't really thought of it before.  In most of her movies she's always with a white man, and her background (and family) are never mentioned (expect Maid in Manhattan...which I loved).  We all know that she isn't ashamed of where she comes from, so why does this repeat in every movie she's in?.  My conclusion is that she's a Latina who land roles that were written for White women.  I might be wrong, but if I'm right, congrats are in order for Jennifer for breaking barriers

One my my friends was having a bad day, so we decided to take a night trip downtown. Even though it rained most of the time, and we did more walking than my ballet shoes could allow, we had a good time.  We went to navy pier, then Millennium Park, and then down to State St.  By the time I got home, I was soak & wet, and extremely tired.  The next morning I had to get myself up and go work out.  After getting my but hooped, my friend and I went to see our friends baby for the second him (this time, not in the hospital) and he's soooo cute.  He slept most of the time, but when he did finally opened his blueish-grey eye (yes I said I, he winked at us the whole he looked adorable. 

"The Back Up Plan image from Cherry Battle image from: NBC view the skit at


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Anonymous said...

Great blog - I love your layout. Your friend's baby is adorable. Just surfing blogs and came across yours and I'm now following you. Maybe you can visit my blog and follow me too? Can't wait for you to have some listings of happenings in Chicago since I've always wanted to visit there. Here's my blog: Thanks!

Admin said...

Thanks ladies for your wonderful comments. I'm now following both of your blogs and anxious to read your future posts!

Zack Raspberry said...

Kia, I agree with you about Gabby on SNL. It seemed like a good idea, but the writers must do their part as well. I saw Precious and think that she still needs some fine tuning. But that doesn't mean she's a bad actress. She just keeps getting bad roles.

I'm glad you had a good weekend.

Admin said...

Thanks Zack. You're right, with some fine tuning I think she can be better.

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